Home Modification Assessment




Home modifications are custom-built changes to your home to help you access and use areas of your home. Home modifications can be minor changes, or they can be complex. Home modifications is based on recommendations for a person’s independence, safety and accessibility that reduce demands on caregivers.

A suitably qualified Occupational Therapist is required to certify the effectiveness of the modification to meet your goals and likely future needs during design, and on completion of the works.

Our Process for Home Modification Assessment:

  • Site visits with the client

  • Occupational Therapy Home Safety Evaluation and Falls Screening tool to establish the potential safety issues for the client, environmental barriers, and explore possible solutions (as required)

  • Drafting concept drawing

  • Preparing/reviewing the scope of work

  • Liaising with builders, architects, engineers, and project managers as required

  • Preparation of reports using NDIS Complex Home Modification Assessment Template or Minor Home Modification Assessment Template

  • Overseeing the home Modification process

  • Follow-up evaluation

We provide support for a wide variety of Complex and Minor home modifications including, but not limited to:

  • Non-slip flooring to prevent slips and falls

  • Grab rails, handrails, bannister rails

  • Dwelling access/entrance

  • Ramps (threshold ramps, step ramps, access ramps)

  • Bathroom/Toilet/Laundry modifications such as full bathroom re-modeling to create a level access shower

  • Kitchen modifications may include a full layout change and recommendations for accessible wall cabinets, worktops, island benches, appliance lifts, washbasin brackets, benches, accessible appliances, drawers, doors, cabinets, pantries, and storage bins.

  • Bedroom accessibility modifications

  • Modifying for Sensory Processing Disorder

  • Internal dwelling access

  • Home automation (automated door openers, automatic gate, lighting, and power control, climate control, window fittings, emergency call system)

  • Platform wheelchair lifts / Stairlifts / Residential Enclosed Shaft Platform Lifts

  • Ceiling hoist

It is important to note:

The NDIS will fund standard home modifications that are found to be reasonable and necessary by the NDIA to facilitate achievement of the goals in the participant’s current plan.

Support not related to the participant’s goals cannot be funded through the participant’s plan. The decision about funding is made entirely by the NDIA. The role of the assessor is to advise and make recommendations to the NDIA and the participant as to the most appropriate option for supports related to the participant’s goals.

Where required, an appropriate building construction professional must also confirm the viability of the proposed recommendations to the NDIA at the appropriate milestone/time in the process. Reasonable and necessary funding generally focuses on the demonstrated need for modifications to access the dwelling and frequently used rooms to facilitate Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).

The primary focus would be the participant’s bedroom, living area, meal area and bathroom. Fixtures and fittings are considered at a standard grade level.

The funded supports in a participant’s NDIS plan need to meet each of the reasonable and necessary criteria outlined in the National Disability Insurance Agency Act 2013, section34(1)(a)-(f) 2013 and the Supports for Participants Rules.

Qualifications + Accreditations