Our Occupational Therapy Framework




Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance Model (PEOP)

The Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance (PEOP) model is a system model that views the function in the systems a whole and considers the interaction among its components. Occupational performance is emphasized in the PEOP model and involves three components:

(1) characteristics of the person (including physiological, psychological, motor, sensory/perceptual, cognitive, or spiritual),

(2) features of the environment (including cultural, social support, social determinants, and social capital, physical and natural environments, health education and public policy, assistive technology), and

(3) characteristics of the activity, task, or role. When people perform occupations, they also interact with environment. Thus, there are reciprocal consequences; that is, a person’s goals and intentions influence his/her occupational performance, and the action changes his/her environment and his/her characteristics at the same time.

The interaction between the person and environmental components positively or negatively influences occupational performance. When there is a person-environment fit in supporting the valued occupation, success in occupational performance eventually leads to participation and well-being. In addition, the PEOP model is a client-centered model; that is, client must actively set goals and participate in determining a plan that promotes occupational performance. Application of the PEOP model in practice requires a collaborative relationship with the client and practitioner. Practitioner understands the issues and options presented by the client’s needs and goals by asking the appropriate questions to elicit client’s narrative. The model identifies factors in the personal performance capabilities/constraints and the environmental performance enabler/barriers that are central to the occupational performance, which in turns lead to development of a realistic and sequenced intervention plan.

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